About us
The Brent Youth Super League is a Middlesex FA affiliated league that was created to solve two main problems:
1) Ensuring more children and parents participate in youth football by creating a smaller area for teams to travel.
2) Creating more technical players with the ethos of pass and move by keeping age groups from changing playing format too soon e.g U9 moving to 7v7.
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In order to meet our two objectives, we have set-out an age banding and format page where you can see players age eligibility for Age Groups and the Format that will be played for that age group. As a league we believe this will also help more children play matches with clubs making more teams.
Whilst wanting to be an all inclusive league, we must be restrictive to clubs that are outside of the Brent area. The league believes that 75% of all clubs should be from within the Brent area, though this could change with future AGM’s.
The Brent Youth Super League hope to achieve the above two objectives whilst also being a league that engages more with the community, clubs and players ; through more events, fair days and collaborations with local businesses.