We set out below a reminder of the mandatory requirements for clubs with youth teams:
(i) Key Officials – (Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Welfare Officer) are required to hold an in-date Safeguarding for Committee Members Certificate.
(ii) Youth Club Welfare Officer – An in-date accepted FA DBS Check, Welfare Officers Course, and Safeguarding Children Course
(iii) Youth Team Officials (Managers/Coaches) – An in-date accepted FA DBS Check and Safeguarding Children Course
For teams to affiliate for the 2023-2024 season, ALL managers and coaches of youth teams (Under 7 to Under 18 inclusive) are now required to complete The FA’s online Safeguarding Children Course and ensure that this qualification remains in-date by doing the re-certification course every 2 years.
Please refer to the following to assist:
1. Here is an NSPCC link to Helping you support children and report concerns:
2. The FA’s website page ‘Safeguarding’ is an important link for all relevant information:
3. The FA have produced guidance on keeping Children safe in the Digital world:…
4. Please watch and share this video: – it’s 8 minutes long and it’s called ‘Let’s keep children safe in football.’
5. We would also refer to the RESPECT Codes of conduct:
Details of Safeguarding Training and Education (via FA Learning) can be found at… ; and
If you have any questions, need some help or guidance or need to report a concern – please do not hesitate in contacting:; or
If you do not feel comfortable reporting a safeguarding concern to the above, then you can whistle blow and report to The FA: or to NSPCC 0808 800 5000 or Childline: 0800 1111
All serious immediate safeguarding concerns please call 999 and report to the police.